Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ridged Lace Hat

I finished the ridged lace hat on Saturday.  I started it and just kept on going, so it only took me a few hours to complete this hat.  My fingers were so sore after making this hat!  And I am surprised I did not break my pick.  The pattern is easy to follow, but there are some things that I did different when making this hat. 

I do not have the round purple loom with 48 pegs, so I had to use the green loom with 36 pegs.  When I went to pull up the beginning row to make the brim it was very difficult.  I am not really sure why, but it felt like the pegs were going to break!  

The other thing that I had to change is round 8.  In the book "I Can't Believe I'm Loom Knitting", it says that for round 8 to pick up the peg after the skipped peg with your fingers.  I could not get that to work for me.  The yarn ended up too tight and I almost lost the stitch.  I had to take the yarn from the first peg with my fingers and lift the second peg up with my pick.  Doing this round also took the longest.  I think the first time I had to do round 8 it took me 20 minutes.  By the 3rd time I finally got it down to about 10-12 minutes.

Ridged Lace Hat

I LOVE the way the hat looks and need to get the purple round loom to make it for an adult.  I tried to use the green long loom to make the hat for an adult, but cannot get the brim to pull up.  I am not sure what I am going to do with the yarn that is already on the loom.  Maybe I will keep going and just not do a brim and just come up with something different.  Maybe I will just take it off and start something else.  Not sure yet.  

Here is the listing for the hat on etsy

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